Monday, September 23, 2013

Health Articles - 5 key elements to gain the most out of your spine surgery

Once a person has made a thoughtful decision to undergo a surgery, the next step is to look out for successful results. Learning about back surgery ahead of time and understanding its risks and benefits can help you decide whether it's right for you. We have listed few ways in which patients can get the most out of their spine surgery. Weight Loss: This is the most common one, but it is always difficult to start with. A little drop in just few pounds can have a desirable impact on not only how the spine surgery goes but also the duration and scale of recovery. Several studies have shown that obese people who undergo surgery of any kind, including spine surgery, are more prone to infections, problems recovering from anesthesia, and struggles with post-operative recovery. It is worth the effort, so reduce a few pounds before the surgery. The potential benefits definitely outweigh negative results Over the counter Medications: Unless you are advised, avoid changing the dosages or stop the medicine altogether. Make sure that your spine surgeon knows about each and every prescribed medication/supplements you are taking and the dosages at which you are taking them before your spine surgery Mobility: Do not overdo this. You can start engaging in mild exercises till the surgery date. This will help you gain maximum leverage from physical therapy post-surgery. Science has proven that re-conditioning the body to move properly as soon as is medically advisable after spine surgery has a lasting impact on long-term recovery and return to normal spine function. Walking for 30 minutes or more several days each week serves as a great prep-work. No Smoking: Related to weight loss, smoking is among those lifestyle factors that can wreak havoc on spine surgery outcomes. Though it can be a tough habit to kick, doing so before surgery can set the stage for better results post-surgery and long-term. Smoking is an addiction that is difficult to kick out at once. The whole world knows what smoking can do to your bones. The added complications in surgery that come with smoking just work as cherry on the top. Loss of blood can further damage the recovering process. You don't want to go through the revision surgery procedure, do you? Smoking can impact the after surgery effect and you might have to undergo a revision surgery. Your surgeon is the best person in deciding your regimen for the safest and most effective outcome. Leave this decision to the experts. Relax or Exercise? Although exercise is essential, you also have to relax. By relaxing, it does not mean stop moving. When our bodies are worn out, that's when we're most susceptible to illness. Don't risk having your procedure canceled as you have fallen ill preparing for the surgery. Do not try to get it all done and be a super human. If you can catch up on a good sleep during these times, it would be great. Jasmine Bilimoria is a research writer and a contributor with Same Day Spine. Same Day Spine Institute specializes in minimally invasive treatments of the spine, using latest cutting edge technologies, such as stem cells, laser discectomies, artificial discs, spinal cord stimulators, minimally invasive fusions, etc for spinal treatments.Links:
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